Novel drug delivery systems of Sopharcos
- Weihrauch, ein „unzeitgemäßer“ Wirkstoff ? G. Blume; SÖFW Journal 06/2022
- Sophi-Caps – New Nanocapsules with High Loading of UV-Filters, G. Blume; SOFW-Journal 2010
- Analysing a new generation of liposomes, G. Blume; Personal Care 2012
- Sophi-Hydro-Tops: „Liposomes“ of new Generation, G. Blume; Cosmetical Yearbook 2012
- Nanoemulsions for topical applications, G. Blume; Abstract IFSCC Paris, 2014
- Delivery systems for cosmetic actives, G. Blume; H&PC Today 2015
- „Hydro-Tops“ – W/O/W Nanoemulsion for dermal Drug Delivery; G. Blume, Poster 2016
- „Lipo-Tops“ – O/W Nanoemulsion for dermal Drug Delivery, G. Blume; Poster 2016
- O/W and W/O/W nanoemulsions, Felix Schmidt; Poster FSU Jena 2017
- New multiple Nanoemulsion „Hydro -Tops“ for dermal Drug Delivery – an Alternative to Liposomes, G. Blume; Abstract BITs 7th International Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems 2017
- New-Nanoemulsions-for-dermal-drug-delivery, G. Mirsch; Abstract, BITs 7th Annual International Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems, Prague 2017
Liposomes for the dermal application
- Liposomes = Liposomes? (2000) G.Blume; SÖFW-Journal 126 (11),14-17
- Delivery service. (2000) G. Blume; SPC Asia, Novenber, 35-41
- The role of liposomes and their future perspective. (2003) G. Blume, M. Sacher, D. Teichmüller, U. Schäfer; SÖFW-Journal 129 (8), 10-14
- Liposomes as carrier system for topical applications. (2004) G. Blume and D. Teichmüller; Cosmetic Science Technology 2004, 101-104
- Cyclodextrins, Vesicles and Particles. (2004) G. Blume and D. Teichmüller; SÖFW-Journal 130(5), 14-23
- Structural and Functional Quality Control of Cosmetic Productsby ESR Spectroscopy. (2004) K.Jung~Th.Herrling,R.Reszka, G.Blume; SÖ FW-Journal 130 (5), 24-32
- Liposomes as stabilizing carrier system for vitamins. (2005) G. Blume and D. Teichmüller Cosmetic Science Technology 2005, 127-130
- How Active are Biocosmetic Ingredients ? (2007) K. Jung, M. Sacher, G. Blume, F. Janssen, Th. Herrling; SÖ FW Journal 133 (1/2), 2-7
- Liposomal Drug Delivery – Outdated or Seminel Concept? (2008) D. Teichmüller and G. Blume; SÖ FW-Journal, 134 (8), 33-34
- Flexible Liposomes for topical applications in cosmetics. (2008) G. Blume; In: Skin Delivery Systems, ed. Johann W. Wiechers; Allured Publishing Corporation USA, 269-282
- Surface modification of lipid nanovesicles with polyethyleneglycol for dermal delivery, A. Roopdee; Poster FSU Jena 2015
- Lipid vesicles penetrate into intact skin owing to the transepidermal osmotic gradients and hydration force. (1992) G.Cevc and G.Blume; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1104, 226-232
- Transdermal drug carriers: basic properties, optimization and transfer-efficiency in the case of epicutaneously applied peptides. (1995) G.Cevc, G.Blume and A.Schätzlein; J. Contr. Rel. 36, 3-16
- Ultraflexible vesicles, transfersomes, have an extremly low pore penetration resistance and transport therapeutic amounts of insulin across the intact mammlian skin. (1998) G.Cevc, D.Gebauer, J. Stieber, A.Schätzlein, G.Blume; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1368, 201-215
- New, highly efficient formulation of diclofenac for the topical, transdermal administration in ultradeformeable drug carriers, Transfersomes. (2001) G. Cevc and G. Blume; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1514, 191-205
- Biological activity and characteristics of triamcinolone-acetonide formulated with self-regulated drug carriers, Transfersomes. (2003) G. Cevc and G. Blume; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1614, 156-164
- Hydrocortisone and dexamethasone in very deformable drug carriers have increased biological potency, prolonged effect, and reduced therapeutic dosage. (2004) G. Cevc and G. Blume; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1663, 61-73
Long-lasting liposomes for systemic use
- Liposomes for the sustained drug release in vivo. (1990) G.Blume and G.Cevc ; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1029, 91-97
- Drug-carrier and stability properties of the long-lived lipid vesicles, cryptosomes, in vitro and in vivo. (1992) G.Blume and G.Cevc ; J.Lipid Research 2, 355-368
- Molecular mechanism of the lipid vesicle longevity in vivo. (1992) G.Blume and G.Cevc; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1146, 157-168
- Specific targeting with poly(ethyleneglycol)-modified liposomes: coupling of homing devices to the ends of the polymeric chains combines effective target binding with long circulation times. (1993) G.Blume, G.Cevc, M.D.J.A.Crommelin, I.A.J.M.Bakker-Woudenberg, C.Kluft and G.Storm; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1149, 1-5
Sopharcos Drug Delivery
Dr. Gabriele Blume
Im Schloss 7
36396 Steinau an der Strasse / Germany
Telefon: +49(0) 66 63 – 91 90 99
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